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Advertiser Platform - Q4 2024 Updates

Publisher Management

We are happy to share the new Publisher Management feature on the Webgains advertiser platform!

The New Publisher Management feature on Webgains brings together the features of Pending Publishers and Publisher Review and allows for clear and easy management of all your program’s publisher partnerships.


The new Publisher Management page replaces the Pending Publishers and Publisher Review pages in the Publisher menu.

Discover more below about what Publisher Management can do below.

Manage your Program Applications

Bulk Approve or Reject publisher applications onto your program in just a few clicks, or click on the individual publisher applications to view more details about the publisher to determine whether they are a good match for your program.


When Rejecting a publisher application from your program, you can select the Reason that you do not wish to work with them, where the publisher will then be notified.

View Publisher Details

The Publisher Management feature allows you to click any of our network publishers to view the details of the publisher, including their Description, Contact Email, ID, Status, Average Monthly Visits, Conversion Rate, and more.


View Publisher Joining History

When viewing a publisher that you have interacted with (for example, they have been Joined, Invited, or Rejected on your program), you can select the Joining History tab to view when the membership status changed for the publisher and the user that actioned the change.


Re-invite a Publisher to your Program

If you have previously Rejected a publisher from your program but now wish to work with them, you can Re-Invite the publisher to your program where a pop-up will appear with an editable template, allowing you to send personalised initiations to publishers about why they should join your program.

If you have previously Invited a publisher to your program, but the application has been in Pending status for a while, you can use the Remind action which opens an email message to the publisher so that you can send them a personalised message about why they should join your program.


Suspending Publishers from your Program

If you no longer wish to work with a publisher Joined to your program, you are able to Suspend them from your program. This action will bring up a list of Reasons to select from, so that the publisher is informed why you wish to Suspend them.

After clicking Suspend within Publisher Management a 30 day cooling period will be initiated; the publisher will be notified of the upcoming Suspension and then 30 days later be suspended from your program.


Add Publishers to Groups

Bulk add selected publishers from your Joined Publisher list to one of your existing Publisher Groups, to then use in your campaigns, commission setups, and more.

Within individual publisher details, you are also able to manage and clearly view which Groups a publisher is a member of.


Learn more about Publisher Groups here: What are Publisher Groups?

Export lists of Publishers

Within any of the Status tabs, you can Export and generate CSV/XLS files containing the Publishers in that status and their associated details.


Filter lists of Publishers

Using the filters, you can search and find publishers by Name, URL, or ID, or use the Channel Type and Category selections to narrow your search results.


To search and browse new publisher to recruit to your program, you can use our Publisher Search tool to find the right publishers for your program, discover key details and contact information for that publisher, and use the action buttons to quickly invite them to your program.

Approve & Add to Groups

As of November, when Accepting publisher application requests on to your program via our Publisher Management tool, we have added the ability to add these publishers to a Group upon their approval. This means that they will automatically be added to the Group/s of your choosing when they become part of your program, enabling more seamless usage of the Group functionality to then perform tasks such as Emailing a specific publisher Group your latest promotions.

Learn more about: What are Publisher Groups?


Smart Commissions

As our latest improvement to the Webgains Smart Commissions tool, we have included Publisher Source as a way to structure your commissions offered to publishers.

Publisher Source is optionally used by some Webgains publishers, more commonly Subnetwork publishers, where they will send Webgains data about the referral source within the tracking links.


For example, a subnetwork may have their own base of affiliate sites, such as Blog X. If a sale was made via Blog X, via the Subnetwork publisher, the subnetwork publisher can send Webgains the referral information so we know the traffic came from Blog X.

If a publisher is sending us this data, then the option of setting commission based on Publisher Source will be available during the Smart Commission creation, so you can set a specific commission rate for Blog X.

It’s important to note that as this is optional, not all publishers provide this data.

Learn how you can use this new feature for Optimising with Subnetworks on Webgains !

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