How do I approve or reject my publisher applications?
If your program is on ‘Manual Approval’ for publisher applications (meaning you will need to approve applications manually before the publisher can join your program), when a publisher has requested to join your program they will appear in the ‘Pending’ list within your Publisher Management page.
You can Filter the results if desired, either searching the publisher name or URL, or filter by their category or channel type.
Publishers can be Accepted or Rejected from your program either individually by selecting Approve/Reject on that publisher row, or in bulk by using the tickboxes to select the publishers you wish to process.

If you decide to Reject a publisher application, a popup box will appear for you to select the reason for rejection. The publisher can then be made aware the reason they were not right for your program.
Learn more about: How do I know a publisher is right for my program?
Approve & Add to Group
When Accepting publisher application requests on to your program, you can also select to add these publishers to a Group upon their approval.

Learn more about: What are Publisher Groups?