Webgains Smart Commissions
What is the Webgains Smart Commissions Tool?
The Webgains Smart Commissions tool has been developed to ensure the creation and management of Smart Commissions can be done as simply and swiftly as possible, all in one place.
The Smart Commissions feature allows commission schemes as either Percentage or Fixed commissions to be scheduled for multiple periods.
The scheme is able to match a range of criteria, such as:
The commission criteria can be used individually or as a combination, allowing for cascading rules with priority for each level, allowing for a new level of flexibility when creating commissions.
Examples of how you can use Smart Commissions
You’d like to offer Publisher X an increased commission of 10% running from 01/09/24 - 14/09/24, but only for New Customer orders on Product Y.
You’d like to offer Publisher X, Y, and Z a fixed commission rate of £10 for products in a specific category, for any customer type.
You’d like to schedule every other week for Publisher X to receive 20% commission for any product purchased by Existing Customers
Smart Commissions offers a clear view and management of all commissions set-up, whether Active, Scheduled, Draft or Expired in one easy-to-use interface, with filtering available to refine the results displayed in the table.
Smart Commission Management Filtering
Smart Commission Schemes can be filtered according to:
Customer Type
Product Category
Some Smart Commissions functionality will require Items and Customer Type Tracking to be set up, as well as a functional Product Feed in the program to provide product data.
One-Pager PDF Export: Webgains Smart Commissions One-pager.pdf