What options are there for Publisher based commission?
Within the Webgains Smart Commission tool, you are able to configure the commission scheme based on a Publisher, Channel Type, or Publisher Source. Learn more below about these different configurations.
All can be set to either Include or Exclude that selection.
Commission by Publisher
Should you wish to offer commission just to a specific publisher, or a selected group of publishers, you can search and select which publishers to Include (or Exclude) in the commission scheme. Once you have added your selection, click Include Sites and then resume with your scheme creation.

Commission by Publisher Channel Type
A channel type is the publisher campaign’s promotional type, which is set up within the publisher’s account.

Please be aware that the channel type is defined by the publisher. In some cases, a publisher may not have a set channel type, in which case they will not be able to have the commission scheme applied.
Commission by Publisher Source
Publisher Source is optionally used by some Webgains publishers, more commonly Subnetworks publishers, where they send Webgains data about the referral source within their tracking links.

For example, a subnetwork may have their own base of affiliate sites, such as Blog X. If a sale was made via Blog X, via the Subnetwork publisher, the subnetwork publisher can send Webgains the referral information so we know the traffic came from Blog X.
It’s important to note that as this is optional, not all publishers provide this data.
If you are a publisher looking for information on how to provide this data to Webgains to then enable the Publisher Source Commission feature, please view the details here for our optional ‘origsource’ link parameter.
If a publisher is sending us this data, then the option of setting commission based on Publisher Source will be available during the Smart Commission creation, so you can set a specific commission rate for Blog X.
Discover how you can put this into practice for Optimising with Subnetworks on Webgains!