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Hard and Soft Cookies Explained

What are the different types of Cookie? 

Hard Cookies vs Soft Cookies  

A "hard cookie" is a traditional, persistent cookie that remains on a user's device for an extended period. This is the standard Webgains tracking cookie.  

A "soft cookie" is a temporary cookie that typically expires quickly, often lasting only for the duration of a single browsing session.  

Some publishers may have soft cookies enabled on Webgains, which means that they would not overwrite any traditional hard cookies that were already set on the user’s browser. 

Which publisher types might use Soft Cookies? 

Whilst the enabling of soft-cookies for publishers is at Webgains discretion, the most common publisher type to use soft-cookies is Browser Extension publishers

We may also enable soft-cookies for Technology Publishers that operate overlays, or on-site prompts to encourage conversions, as well as Display and Retargeting Publishers. 

Why might a publisher be Soft Cookie enabled? 

Controlled within the Webgains platform, specific publishers may be soft cookie enabled when there is a concern that the nature of their affiliate activity could have a higher chance of overwriting another publisher’s cookie.

For Example:

  • A publisher, such as a content site or social media influencer, may drive a user to the advertiser website via an affiliate link. This will set a ‘hard’ cookie on the user’s browser once they reach the advertiser website and accept any necessary cookie consent. 

  • A second publisher, such as a browser extension, may contribute to the conversion (sale) by offering the user an incentive or nudge towards completing their sale. However, if this publisher is soft cookie enabled, it will not overwrite the existing hard cookie on the user’s browser. This means that the first publisher (i.e. content site) will be attributed the sale and receive the commission. 

If the secondary publisher was not soft cookie enabled, their cookie would overwrite the first publisher’s cookie, and they would be attributed the sale instead. 

The Importance of Distinguishing between Hard and Soft Cookies 

The soft cookie is designed to protect all stakeholders in the affiliate eco-system and, by offering the soft-cookie functionality, Webgains enables our advertisers to work with all manner of publisher types. This ultimately serves to better the partnerships with the confidence in knowing it won’t have an impact on their other publisher relationships. 

This can also have a benefit for publishers too, as the soft cookie can enable advertisers to ‘test out’ their affiliate solution with the intention of leading to long term partnership opportunities. 

What else is Important?

A common tracking method adopted by advertisers who are working with influencer publishers is voucher tracking.  

Voucher tracking works by attributing the transaction to the publisher that the voucher is assigned to on the Webgains platform. 


Advertiser X has voucher tracking in place with Webgains, and has set up an exclusive voucher code on the Webgains platform for Publisher Y. This means that only Publisher Y will be attributed sales made using this voucher code, even if the last-click cookie was from a different publisher.  This is because the voucher has been set as exclusive to Publisher Y, so only they can earn commission for its use. 


For any other queries, please contact

Read the APMA (Affiliate & Partner Marketing Association) Report on Downloadable Software & Browser Extensions in Affiliate Marketing:

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