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What is the Webgains cookie?

The Webgains 1st party cookie dropped via Webgains onsite script stores information regarding the campaign, the program id and a unique session id (click reference) which is used to validate the click through to the program.

This is created either at the point of purchase or point of landing to confirm the link (referral) between the publisher and the program.

This information is then sent as part of the conversion to Webgains for validation. 

The Webgains script has logic built in to make sure this cookie is dropped only on consent by the user. At no point is any user identifiable information provided to Webgains or the cookie. 

What is the First Party Cookie Vendor Name? 


What is the name of the Cookie?  

"_CK_WG_" Webgains First party tracking cookie.

What type of cookie is it? 

JS Cookie

Where will the cookie be fired? 

The Webgains first party cookie is fired on a merchant (advertiser) website domain.

What is the cookie processing purpose? 

To record our WGU and or GCLID used to track where the request has originated from (Campaign) so we can track sales to that Publisher campaign for that session. 

Is it an Existing or Proposed cookie? 


Is the cookie Session or Persistent? 


What is the Current/Old Cookie Category?


What personally identifiable information is being processed?

No PII is being processed in our cookie.

What is the default cookie lifetime/deletion date? 

30 days by default, however please check with your account manager how this is set up for your program.

Does Automated decision making take place? If yes, for what purpose?

Yes, it is used to identify the sale request between Campaign and Program.

Which domains could be called?

Below is a list of all URLs that will get called at any point in the process including subsequent calls:

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