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Conversion Optimization Tools (Retargeting & Remarketing)

Retargeting and Remarketing tools are common conversion optimization methods, and they share a common goal to increase conversions from people who are most likely to purchase from the advertiser. However, they key difference is the strategy.

Retargeting is a way to reach people who have previously interacted with Advertiser's website or mobile application. The Publishers who run remarketing campaigns can help to strategically position Advertiser's ads to target these audiences while they browse online, enabling to increase brand's awareness or encourage those audiences to make a purchase.


On the other hand, Remarketing is typically based on email; it works by collecting user data and creating contact lists, which are later utilised to send marketing emails.

Normally, the Advertisers will be asked to share their conversion rate, post-view data and creatives. However, some of the advantages of working with these partners include the ability to work on CPA with no risk to the Advertiser, as there are usually no up-front fees required. 

Some of these publishers can be Activated via The Tag!

Activating publishers via The Webgains Tag means that no additional code needs adding to your site in order to work with these publishers; it can all be enabled through your existing Webgains script once you integrate with us as an Advertiser.


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