What Reporting does Webgains offer for Advertisers?
Webgains offers advertisers 6 different reports in the platform that you can use to view and analyse your program performance, with visibility on various metrics and data sources.
Activity Report
This offers you a high-level overview of your program’s performance. You can see all your activity on this page and filter it by program, date range, status, and event type.
To compare data, chart two date ranges or two different metrics. Select the columns you want to include in your table and use them to sort your data.
Within this report, you can easily:
Change the date range you want to run it for
Have visibility on the level of detail in the information
Have visibility on the status of the transactions
Have visibility on the commission type
You can also download a CSV, XLS or PDF version of your report.
Transactions Report
This report provides a full view of transactions generated on your program. You can see all your transactions on this page and filter them by program, date range, status, and event type. Use the filters to find out whether transactions can still be changed, were manually added or have been adjusted.
You can view additional data by clicking the ‘Columns’ button, and selecting which columns you want to include in your table and use them to sort your data.
If you click on the magnifier glass icon, you can see more details about each transaction. Here you can also amend, confirm or cancel the transaction by clicking on the “Change Status” or “Adjust Transaction” buttons on the top.
You can also download a CSV or XLS version of your report.
Transaction Enquiries Report
This report shows a list of your Transaction Enquiries that have been submitted by publishers. You can select the filter to view Pending, Approved, or Declined transaction enquiries.
For more on the Transaction Enquiries and how to manage them, please view here: What are Transaction Enquiries?
Device Report
Here, you can break down your commissions and sales by different devices (mobile, desktop, etc.), browsers, and operating systems on this page.
This report shows which sales were generated using:
Filter your data by date range and status as needed. You can also download a CSV version of your report.
Performance Report
You can see all your performance reports in this section, with each tab showing metrics for its respective element, providing a comprehensive view of your program’s performance.
In each page, filter by date range and status, and select which metric to display. Note that for each report, it is designed to show the Top Performance for that metric. You can filter to display the Top 10, 50, 100 or 500 rows for that performance indicator.
You can also download a CSV, XLS or PDF version of your report.
Sales Active:
This report gives you a summary of the sales generated by each publisher with information on total sales value and as well total commission value.
Click and Impressions Active Only:
This gives you the view of the clicks and impressions driven by the publishers that haven’t generated sales yet.
This reporting shows you from which URLs the sales have come from.
Landing Pages
This reporting indicates where the customer clicked through to on your website when they clicked on the publisher tracking link.
This is the section reflecting your top-performing products.
This report will only be populated if you are sending us the items information through your tracking script. For more information on setting up Items Tracking, please contact your Webgains account manager, or support@webgains.com
Track Types
This will give you a picture of the orders that were generated through CPC or CPA commission events. This will relate to which publishers you are working with, and your overall program strategy.
Voucher Codes
The page will show you which voucher codes have been generating sales through Webgains.
This report will only be populated if you are sending us the voucher information through your tracking script. For more information on setting up Voucher Tracking, please contact your Webgains account manager, or support@webgains.com
Commission Types:
This page highlights which of your commission types have generated the most revenue.
This page will give you full visibility on which of your Ads have generated the most revenue.
Smart Commissions
The page displays the performance of your Smart Commissions, relative to if you have commissions set up in our Smart Commissions tool.
My Reports
This section allows you to view and manage any scheduled reports you may have set up. The scheduled reports are sent to you directly on the predefined date to your email address.
Reports can be scheduled from the respective report page by clicking the clock button:

We also have our platform APIs available for reporting. For more information, please contact your Webgains account manager, or support@webgains.com .