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How do I edit my Default Program Commission?

In order to edit the commission scheme to the Commission Management section:

  1. Navigate to Tools and then Commission Management. This will display your program’s Default event commission, and any other Commission Events set up outside of Smart Commissions.

  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the commission scheme you want to edit:

  3. Here you are able to change the cookie window, the commission amount and the
    recall period.

  4. Activate your new commission scheme to apply changes. You will be able to Activate it straight away by clicking on Now, or Schedule it to apply at a later date.

As per network Terms and Conditions, you will need to provide notice to your publishers for commission changes. View here for more information: How much notice do I need to provide for changing my commission rates?

If you are looking to add varying commission rates per publisher, we recommend using our Smart Commission tool. Read more: What options are there for Publisher based commission?

However, if you are using Event Based Commission, you can click “+ Add Commission” and set up the new event rate.

You can then select the publisher/s you wish to apply this commission scheme for.


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