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Why my invoice is different from the platform Transaction Report?

There are a few reasons why the invoice total value might be different from the initial Transactions Report:

  • First of all, it’s important to consider that during the invoice run, we only take the confirmed transactions. There might be cases when the invoice might include the confirmed transactions where the transaction date was from a previous month, but due to a longer recall period it was confirmed in a following month, so this will depend on your program & commission set up and is something to be mindful of.

  • The value shown on the Transaction Report versus the Invoice value may be different due to any amended or cancelled transactions that occurred after the invoice was created.

Please note that at present, we are unable to manually adjust the invoices. Accordingly, all cancelled/amended transactions will be provided as a credit note to your upcoming invoice.

In order view breakdowns of the transactions included in your invoice, please review the following documentation: How can I view my invoiced transactions in the platform?

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