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Why can Untracked Transaction Claims happen?

There are a few types of Transaction Enquiries, including claims for ‘Untracked’ transactions.

Whilst Webgains has a very low number of untracked sale enquiries among the major networks due to our 1st party cookie resilient tracking, occasionally there can be cases where a sale may not track and a publisher may submit a claim for the transaction commission. (This is more common with Cashback/Reward publishers, as the customer will submit a ‘missing cashback’ claim to the publisher, who then submits it to Webgains).

Reasons for Untracked Transaction claims could include:

  • Removal/Altering of the Webgains Tracking Code

    • If the Webgains tracking has been removed from the advertiser website, or caused to break in some way, we are then unable to successfully track a conversion. This is the most common reason we see for missing transaction claims, and it’s why it’s important to inform Webgains in advance if any website changes are being made that could impact the tracking code in place.

  • De-Duplication

    • If the advertiser has De-Duplication in place; if the sale was made through another marketing channel then the transaction may not be attributed/tracked to Webgains.

  • Cookie Consent

    • If the customer Declines the cookie consent banner on an advertiser’s site, this prevents cookie tracking from taking place and can mean Webgains is unable to track the conversion.

  • Cookies Deleted

    • Similar to above; if the customer deletes their cookies, it can prevent Webgains being able to successfully track the conversion.

  • Adblockers

    • This is generally quite uncommon as Webgains resilient tracking is equipped to manage the effects of adblocking software, however in a small % of cases adblockers could block certain data in the conversion script necessary for us to successfully track a conversion.

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