What dynamic Clickthrough Parameters do Webgains offer?
Webgains offer several dynamic values that can be added to your program clickthrough parameters. This means that they are not static (fixed), so they will dynamically populate with the required data.
For example, our dynamic parameter ^^^affiliateid^^^ will automatically populate with the affiliate ID that generated the click referral.
E.g. if the clickthrough parameter was set up like affiliate=^^^affiliateid^^^, and the affiliate that generated the click had the ID ‘12345’, the destination URL will be like https://www.mysite.com?affiliate=12345
The following dynamic parameters are available:
^^^siteid^^^ (populates site/campaign id)
^^^campaign_name^^^ (populates the site/campaign name)
^^^linkid^^^ (populates id of the banner)
^^^cid^^^ (click id)
^^^date^^^ (format: YYYYMMDD)
^^^datetime^^^ (format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
^^^timestamp^^^ (format: Unix timestamp)
The default clickthrough parameters we set for a program are: source=webgains&siteid=^^^siteid^^^
Clickthrough parameters can be set up within your program under ‘program settings’, or you can contact your account manager to support with any changes.