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How can I upload a manual transaction to my program?

If you ever need to upload single transactions to your program, you can do so by following the below steps.

  1. Go to ‘Tools’ and click on ‘Add New Transactions’ > ‘Single Transaction’.

  2. Search for the Publisher Name that the transaction should be attributed to.

    1. Selecting the Publisher Name will then auto-fill Campaign Name and Campaign ID

  3. Add the Value of the transaction 

  4. Enter the Commission amount that should be applied

  5. Include a Reason for the transaction upload, so the publisher is aware of what the transaction is for.

  6. Click on ‘Add Transaction’ and the transaction will be created and reflect in your reporting as a ‘Manual Transaction’.


To upload Batch transactions, you can do this via ‘Add New Transactions’ > ‘Multiple Transactions’. Learn more: How do I batch upload transactions onto my program?

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