How do I upload Vouchers to my program?
Within the advertiser platform, you can navigate to our Voucher Code Manager where you can upload vouchers to your program for your publishers to promote.
Voucher Code Manager
Here you can see a list of the voucher codes on your program. To edit or remove individual vouchers, click on the Edit icon. Create new voucher codes by clicking on the Add Voucher Code button below.
When creating a new Voucher, you will be required to enter certain information about the voucher code:
Voucher Code
The code that a customer should add to your site ‘voucher’ field when making a purchase.
A description to inform your publishers about what the code can be used for. For example, is it for certain products or conditions?
Voucher Discount
To inform your publishers of the discount that the user will receive
Landing Page URL
Optional - if your voucher relates to a specific product or category, you can add the new landing page URL here. If you do not add a URL here, traffic will be directed to your normal program landing page.
The start date is the day that this voucher will start being displayed to publishers to promote, and also when any voucher commission will take effect, should you set this up. This can be set as a future date if you wish to schedule the activity. The expiry date will be the day that the voucher stops working (and any voucher commission).
The day after the Expiry Date, the voucher will automatically change to Expired status.

Offer to All Publishers or Exclusive
If offering to all publishers, the code will be displayed as a promotional asset for all publishers joined to your program.
If offering to an Exclusive publisher, you will need to then select the publisher this is exclusive to. The voucher will not display to any other publishers to promote.
Setting an exclusive publisher also allows for voucher commission, as long as you have the necessary tracking set up.
Setting Adjusted commission will mean that if this voucher code is used by a customer via your publisher referral, and is tracked within the Webgains transaction (see How to add Voucher Tracking ), then you can offer an adjusted commission rate.
For example: You wish to apply an adjusted rate of 10% commission when voucher code ‘WELCOME’ is used.

Lastly, the Status of the voucher must be set, to display if it should be Live or Hidden. Hidden vouchers will not be visible to publishers to promote.