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How do I join new programs?

Within the publisher platform, navigate to the ‘Advertisers’ section and onto ‘Programs’.

Here you can view all programs available to you, depending on which network/s you are joined to.

To join New programs, view the ‘Not Joined’ tab where a list of programs that you are not yet joined to will display.


To filter this further, including viewing New programs only (programs that have launched on Webgains in the last 45 days), use the filters available on the left hand side.


For each program in the list, you can click the program name to view full details about the program, and then apply to Join the program. There is also the program Contact information available (typically this will be their Webgains Account Manager), should you need to discuss any program details prior to the partnership.


As part of the request to Join, you will also need to accept the program terms and conditions that have been outlined. This is typically related to the program’s accepted promotional types, and any other terms related to their program and brand.

Some programs operate on an Approval-basis, whereby your request to join may remain Pending until the advertiser has reviewed and approved the application request. Once approved onto the program, you will see the program in your Joined list.

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