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Why is my API connection getting an error?

There are a number of reasons why you could be experiencing an error in your Webgains API connections. Any error should also include an error code, e.g. 404. This will help identify the cause of the issue.

A number of common error reasons can be found in our API documentation under “Errors”, or you can navigate via the table below.

Please review and check against the error code to help troubleshoot your issue, or if you are still experiencing errors please reach out to our Support Team.


If you are receiving a Forbidden Error when using our Transaction Enquiries API, your account may need granting access to perform this action. Your account in the platform login will also reflect that you do not have Transaction Enquiries enabled. If this is the case, please contact who can review your request and enable your account to create transaction enquiries.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.