What is Post-View?
Post-View Explained
"Post-view" is a term used to describe affiliate activity that monetises digital display elements and techniques as opposed to "post-click" which relies primarily on clicks and links to monetise activity. Post-view is a metric enabling sales attribution where users have seen an ad and gone on to make a purchase, without clicking on the ad itself. These instances are known as post-impression or post-view conversions. Examples of post-view methods to carry out such forms of attribution include :
Display Re-targeting
E-mail Re-marketing
Basket abandonment
Speaking very generically - post-view activity involves a variety of smart algorithms that analyse their user base and re-direct or re-display ads for example to a user based on their search history - or send out reminder e-mails to purchase a basket that was left with products in but without a completed checkout for example.
Post-View Terminology
Post-view AKA post-impression - whilst post-view is the given name for any and all display related attribution and activity - it can also be referred to as "post-impression" - post impression is essentially the same as post-view - but the "impression" aspect refers to the actual cookie type that post-view activity uses. Post-click activity uses "click cookies", post-view activity uses cookies that are known and stored as "impressions" as there are no physical clicks taking place.
Soft Click/Hard Click/Soft Cookie/Hard Cookie - Similar to the above - anything mentioning "soft" is another name for an impression, "hard" refers to actual physical clicks that take place within post-click activities.
Post-view conversion - A conversion (CPA) that has taken place as a result of post-view activity.
Post-view window - A post-view "window" refers to the time frame in which an affiliate is allowed to be attributed a sale to - it is principally the same as a "cookie period" in post-click activities except this is typically a lot shorter due to the nature of display and ads - typically a post-view window is around 24-48 hours.
To learn more about setting up Post-View for any of your program Ads, please speak to your Webgains account manager. Post-View will need to be enabled on your program settings, and within the necessary Ads.