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The Importance of Voucher Strategy

Leveraging voucher code sites can significantly enhance your marketing strategy and drive incremental revenue. These sites allow you to reach a broad and engaged audience whilst incentivising customers to complete their purchases. Below, we outline the key benefits of optimising with voucher code sites and provide tips on how to build an effective voucher code strategy.

Benefits of Working with Voucher Code Sites:

  1. New customer acquisition:

    • Voucher code sites attract price-sensitive customers actively searching for deals, promotions, and discounts. By partnering with these sites, you can reach a wider audience, including new customers who may not have otherwise discovered your brand.

  2. Increased AOV

    • Customers tend to spend more if they can save more. Evidence shows that AOV generally increases - even with site-wide discount codes.

  3. Incremental value through conversion uplift:

    • Voucher codes act as a strong incentive for customers to complete their purchases. Offering exclusive discounts through these sites can help reduce cart abandonment rates and increase conversion rates.

  4. Enhanced brand visibility:

    • Voucher code sites often have high traffic volumes and rank well on search engines. By listing your deals on these sites, you gain access to their extensive user base and improve your brand's visibility and reach.

  5. Customer retention and loyalty:

    • Offering voucher codes can help build customer loyalty by providing value and reinforcing positive purchasing behaviour. Customers who feel they are getting a good deal are more likely to return for repeat purchases.

  6. Measurable and performance-based marketing:

    • Working with voucher code sites allows for transparent, measurable, and performance-based marketing. You only pay for results (e.g., completed sales or leads), ensuring a cost-effective approach with a clear ROI.

Choosing the Right Voucher Code Strategy

Evidence shows that working with voucher code affiliates can greatly increase brand awareness and drive incremental sales. However, used incorrectly it can have the opposite effect and risk devaluing the brand. Below we offer some tips and tricks on getting it right:

  1. Choose the Right Partners

    • Consider the voucher sites driving the most revenue and traffic

    • Check who your competitors are working with.

    • Who has the most appropriate audience demographic?

    • Webgains partner with the biggest voucher code sites as well as smaller and more niche sites. Where the former can provide larger volumes and bigger reach the latter may target a more niche audience tailored to your site and increase conversion rate or yield a better ROI. Webgains audits all its affiliate partners and can advise on the best voucher code partners to get started with.

  2. Be Clear on your Goals and Offer the Right Codes

    • A sitewide percentage code for select periods can increase traffic and conversion rate outside peak periods.

    • Do you want to drive more traffic around key marketing events? Offering a percentage code on sales items will boost the conversion during peak sales periods. This can be particularly useful towards the end of the sales period.

    • If you want to increase AOV, consider offering a spend and save code. If your AOV is £100 you can offer either a fixed amount or a percentage off purchases over that amount. For example, £15 off when you spend £150.

    • You can protect your profit margin by only offering discount on high margin products

    • Finally, you can shift surplus stock by offering codes on SKU or category level

  3. How to get the most from voucher sites

    • There are key methods to adopt when engaging with voucher code publishers such as offering an exclusive code, PPC rights, CPA increase or/and invest in tenancy to optimise exposure across various channels such as on-site placements, newsletters, SOLUS emails, and social media.

    • Plan ahead to benefit from the best promotional offers. Speak to each publisher about your goals and get their advice on how to achieve them

    • Review the activity and results after each campaign to learn what works. Knowing what and who bring the best results can allow you to set aside budget to test new opportunities.


Partnering with voucher code sites offers a valuable strategy to reach your marketing goals by driving traffic, increasing conversions, and building customer loyalty. With careful planning and clear goals, these sites generate substantial revenue for brands and are a key component of any comprehensive marketing plan.

If you have any questions or would like to explore a partnership with specific voucher code sites, please let us know!

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