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The Players

To understand the whole process of affiliate marketing, you will need to acquire a basic understanding of the three parties involved in the process. Below are the key players you will work with when launching your program.

The Publisher

Sometimes referred to as the affiliate.

The publisher is the creator of the content and marketing. The publisher landscape ranges from individuals to big corporations.

A publisher promotes affiliated products to attract potential customers to buy a specific product.

For now, we have explained the basic definition of a publisher, we will delve more into the types of publishers you will correspond with in module three.

The Advertiser

Also known as the merchant, brand, retailer, or vendor.

The advertiser is the creator of the product or service. The advertiser can range from small to large companies to entrepreneurial individuals.

The aim of the advertiser typically involves targeting potential customers to drive more sales, converting them to loyal customers. Working with publishers also allows the advertiser to raise their profile within their industry and gaining visibility on multiple platforms.

The Consumer

The consumer (or customer) is key to what makes the affiliate process happen. Without the consumer, there are no sales, no commission, and no revenue to be shared.

Whether the consumer knows that they’re part of the affiliate process is entirely up to the publisher. It’s important to note, that in recent years publishers are more transparent with their ties to affiliate marketing with consumers, however, not all publishers are comfortable making it known that their content is incentivised financially through an affiliate network.

To keep up with the latest laws on transparency and what must be disclosed by a publisher, take a look at the ASA website.

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