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The Consultation Call

If you are a Supported (managed) advertiser on Webgains, before you start the integration and launch process of your new program with Webgains, you will have a Consultation Call with your Webgains account manager to help define the key goals of your program, and talk through the desired program set-up. These could include:

  • What KPIs do you want to reward?  

  • How much do you want to pay publishers for a sale?  

  • What publisher types would you like to work with?  

  • Any terms and conditions relevant to commission payout 

During the call you’ll also be advised of industry best practices. Such as the types of linking methods required, banners, text links, product catalogues (data feeds), etc. 

The most important goal of this call is set out the strategic aims for the affiliate marketing activity so that Webgains can advise on the best publishers and campaign tactics that will underpin your strategy.

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