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How can I test my conversion tracking?

Once you have successfully integrated with the Webgains network as an advertiser, your integration manager will run some tracking tests to check everything is working perfectly.

Here, we are just mimicking a normal customer journey and placing a transaction to then check our tracking code fires and the sale tracks back to the Webgains platform.

Should you wish, you can test your conversion tracking by placing a test transaction via a tracking link.

  1. Your integration manager or account manager will be able to provide you with a test tracking link upon request.

  2. When clicked through, it should redirect you to your site homepage and, if you are using our cookie tracking, it should load our Landing Page Script and set our Webgains cookie (called _CK_WG_).

  3. Next it’s time to place an order.

  4. As a normal customer would, find a suitable product to purchase, add it to your basket, and navigate to the checkout page.

  5. Then, complete your purchase and it should fire our conversion tracking code (your browser developer tools > Network tab should show this, named ‘queue-conversion').

  6. After completing the order, you can either check in your Webgains account for the sale, or just let your integration manager know and we can help check.

If your program is not live yet, you will not be able to view the test transaction in the platform, however once you are Live any tests you place will be visible.

To confirm the transaction tracked correctly please reach out to your integration manager.

Our Support Team is always available if you encounter any issues.

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