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Setting Up The Tracking

In order to track your Webgains transactions, conversion tracking code will need to be placed on the action confirmation page. This is often on the ‘Order Confirmation’ page so we can register when a sale has been made.

This code and instructions will be provided to you during the Integration process onto the Webgains network.

You, as the advertiser, will need to follow the instructions to add the tracking code to your site, and then Webgains will help test everything is working correctly by placing some test conversions and checking that the code is firing and the correct data is being sent.

Many advertisers ask the common question: How long does it take for the tracking to be implemented? And the short answer is: As long as the developer on the advertiser side takes to implement the tracking.  In theory, turnaround can be as little as a day!

If you’re a new advertiser, it’s best that you notify your development team of the upcoming integration work so they can schedule in time for the tracking integration. This will mean there’s as little delay as possible to your program launching on the network where you can then start recruiting publishers.

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