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How do I activate publishers within The Tag?

To begin a partnership with a publisher via The Tag, an activation request must be be sent directly within the advertiser platform. Within the Tracking page you will find the section “Publisher Services”.

If this is the first time accessing this area, the advertiser will be required to approve an agreement regarding the usage of The Tag. Once this is approved, the advertiser can select from the list of publishers available via The Tag, Clicking the publisher name to view more information on the publisher if desired, and setting the Toggle to Activated.


(Example Screen - This does not represent Live Tag Publishers)

Please note, that the advertiser user must have the Administrator permission level in order to accept the documentation and send the activation request.

This will send a request to the publisher and also inform the Webgains team. Once any campaign agreements have been arranged, and the advertiser’s technical implementation of The Tag has been done (managed by Webgains), the partnership is ready to begin.

The status in the platform will show as Activated, alongside a start date. The publisher’s technology
can then be made live on the advertiser’s site according to the agreed optimisation solution.

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