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How can I upload untracked/missed transactions?

Transaction enquiries allow you to submit transactions you believe you should have been awarded the commission for based on commissions tracked via your systems. This could be because the transaction was declined by the advertiser, or the transaction wasn’t tracked.

You can send us an enquiry if:

  • If a customer of yours has clicked through from your site to the merchants,
    using our tracking code.

  • The customer has purchased from the merchant, and can verify that fact.

  • You have not received any commission from the merchant for the purchase.

  • The customer has asked you to investigate why they have not received
    cashback from you.

Once those transactions have been uploaded onto the Webgains Platform, the advertiser can review them via a validation process. You can also access the transactions and their status under 'View Transaction Enquiries', so that you will know which transactions have been approved, which have been rejected or still pending.

In the Platform

Any transactions you believe to be ‘missing’ or ‘untracked’ can be submitted through the platform under Tools > Upload Transaction Enquiries.

You can download a template to use as a set-up guide for your transaction enquiry file, and full instructions for the file format and how to upload the transactions correctly can be viewed if you select “Click here to view instructions”.


Then, simply upload the file (CSV) and it will be sent for processing.

If there are any issues with your file, for example in the file formatting or related to the information you have submitted, an email will be sent to the individual who submitted the file outlining the errors. You will then need to review the errors and make necessary changes before re-submitting the file.

Via our API

You can also submit Transaction Enquiries via API. For more details, please view here:

If you have not submitted a Transaction Enquiry before, your account may need granting access to perform this action. If this is the case, please contact who can review your request and enable your account to create transaction enquiries.

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