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How can I change my default landing page URL?

If your site is changing, or you need to change the default site URL that customers are redirected to after clicking through a tracking link, there are a couple of steps that should be taken to ensure there is no disruption to your program tracking and ongoing promotions.

Inform Webgains

Prior to any changes to your site or URL, it’s important that you inform your Webgains contact so that we can support the change and help check everything is still working correctly. This is particularly important if you are changing anything else about your site, such as the theme or provider, that could impact on your Webgains tracking.

Webgains should be informed no later than 7 days before the changes are due to happen. Carrying out the changes on the Webgains platform after your site URL has changed could impact or break your tracking.

Change the URL in the Webgains platform

To change the default landing page URL, simply login to your program and go to Program Settings.


Then, you will notice ‘Homepage URL’ and ‘Click-through URL’ fields.

The Homepage URL does not relate to your tracking links, and is used to display to publishers what your site homepage is so they can see the brand site they are promoting.


The Click-through URL is the default site that users will be sent through after clicking through one of your publisher’s tracking links.

This can be overwritten with the use of deeplinks and new target URLs, however your default links will go to the site you add in this field, and so it’s important that this is the site you have set up with the Webgains tracking so that we can properly load our cookie and track conversions.


Communicate the change to your publishers

After changing your URL, it’s also good practice to inform your publishers. The easiest way to do this is via our Email My Publishers tool, so that you can notify publishers of the change. They will not need to update their links, but if your site name and URL has changed (such as through a re-brand), your publishers may want to be made aware.

For any support on this, please contact your Webgains Account Manager, or

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