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Do I join as an Advertiser or a Publisher?

You can join as an Advertiser if you want to promote your brands on third-party sites and pay for performance, and a Publisher if you aim to earn commissions by promoting others' products.


How Webgains can help you grow your business with affiliate marketing:

From content, cashback and voucher code sites to social media influencers, Webgains allows you to connect your brand with the right publishers at the right time.

We value strong working relationships, but know sales are just as important. That’s why we use our cutting-edge technology at the point of conversion, ensuring your target audience gets your product or service into their basket — and feel good about their decision.

Learn more and sign up to Webgains as an Advertiser:


How Webgains can help you:

We connect publishers like you with big brands, who share the same core values and want to sell their products to a wider audience. We believe in creating quality content and building solid relationships — but we know earning money is just as important. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping your online real estate perform at the top of the game, coaching you every step of the way and paying commission quickly to reward you for your efforts.

Learn more and sign up to Webgains as a Publisher:

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